I had to post these random pictures because they were all funny to me. The first ones are Madison pushing her panties around in her stroller. She has a million babies yet chooses to unload her drawer and push her panties around???

I'm not sure what she's doing in the 2nd picture. I told her to look at me and smile and this was the face I got...

If you remember, at the beginning of my pregnancy I was very sick. I had to keep grocery sacks close by in case I couldn't make it to the restroom. Madison being the observant child that she is started pretending to throw up in bags when she'd find them laying around the house. Not something you want your daughter mimicking. Well now my back is really giving me a hard time. I recently purchased a heating pad and use it daily. Now Madison has started saying "my back hurts...make it hot" and she climbs in my chair, turns on the heating pad and sits there. She will only sit there until it warms up and then she says "too hot" and gets down. At least this one is a little more acceptable when others are around :)
The following pictures make me smile. Madison wanted Trent to play with her. They were making things with her play doh. Trent REALLY got into it and made Rosco. Madison thought it was the funniest thing. She laughed the entire time. If you notice, her mouth is open VERY wide in all the pictures because she's laughing so hard.

she thinks her Daddy is so funny! She's also into wearing her old baby bibs, not really sure why!

Here's Rosco-made by Trent

Here's Jack -made by Madison (doesn't it look just like him???)

Trent decided Rosco needed a T-bone. I told you, he really got into it :) Madison LOVED the fact that her Daddy not only sat with her while she played but made something too! We have loved having him home with us this summer.