Taking his picture is getting harder. As you can see, he just wanted to eat the paper. He succeeded. For some reason, he got real sad at the end. I guess he was tired of me trying to get that perfect picture. :)
I'm a little behind on this...
Cooper is officially closer to the one year mark. It is CRAZY how time is flying by. I know I say it every month but I just can't believe in 5 SHORT months our baby will be ONE!
He is continuing to be such a sweet, SMILEY baby! He smiles ALL the time. He smiles at anyone and anything. He is such a good boy. I do think we will have our hands full when he's mobile. He is very interested in things and already tries to get into anything within arms length.
In the past month:
-He is still sleeping the same. He goes to bed around 8pm and wakes up between 6 and 7am. Every once in awhile he'll wake up in the middle of the night for a bottle but that doesn't happen very often.
-He can sit by himself. He can't get into the sitting position by himself, you have to sit him up but once you do he stays up. He can catch himself if he gets off balance.
-He is eating puffs and cheerios
-Eats cereal or oatmeal for breakfast, 4 cubes at lunch and about 3 cubes at dinner.
-Still has 6oz bottles every 3 hours.
-He loves to play with Madison's blocks. You can sit him on the floor next to the blocks and he'll play forever!
-He got his first haircut. The worse is the cowlick right in the front! It's HUGE.
-It's officially hard for us to go out to eat at sit down places. We went to Cristina's a week or so ago and it was miserable. We were at a small table so that didn't help. Anything within reach ended up on the floor- napkins, forks, sweet-n-lows, the whole container of TORTILLAS. Even if we thought he couldn't reach it, he could! It was interesting to say the least. Now we make sure we have plenty of stuff for him to play with and eat. :) We will definitely be limiting our eating out, especially to sit down places. Taco Bueno here we come!
-Madison tattles on Cooper :) I smile but really it's not funny. I dread the days to come if this gets worse. Right now it's not bad. It does make me smile. The other day he was laying next to her in our bed just hitting her over and over. She tattled on that..."Mommy, Cooper's hitting me" in a realy whiny voice. We are trying to explain to her that he's really not hitting her. Siblings.
Really, we are very blessed with our two sweet kids. Cooper is such a good boy. He's so stinkin' cute. Madison is such a great big sister to him. She continues to be his other mommy!