Madison made this cookie for Santa! She only wanted him to eat the top part so she could eat the bottom part and the chocolate candy :)
Santa came and left lots of good things...
"Christmas morning" aka Thursday morning Cooper woke up at we went to wake Madison up too! She was being so shy about coming into the living room to see what Santa left her. Here they are running down the hall together :)
Cooper's checking it all out...
My sweet babies!
The mess...
Then we had to go out back to see one last present from us...
a trampoline!
Then we came back inside to play with the toys because it was so cold outside!
Santa only ate the head, just like she requested!
wearing his sister's headband...his Daddy loved that!
We had such a fun morning. The kids are at such a fun age. They were excited about everything this holiday season. Cooper and Madison both LOVED all Christmas lights. Cooper loved all the blow up decorations. Neither of them went to see Santa this year. Madison said she would not sit with him and I never got around to taking Cooper. I'm sure he would have cried too! Maybe next year. It's sad that it comes and goes so quickly! After we played with these toys awhile we packed up and headed to Abilene for 4 days. Those pictures will be posted soon!