Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Morning

I woke up Christmas morning about 7:30 and started packing the car for Abilene. Trent got up and helped and then jumped in the shower. When he was finished we went and got Madison so that she could open her presents from us and see all of her gifts from Santa. It was all very quick and she did not really want to leave her toys to get in the car.

Merry Christmas!

Walking in to see all of the toys that Santa left for her! We have all of this on video too!

The little stinker walked right past her kitchen to the little people farm. She loves animals!

Then she went to her kitchen! She pulled out the food and started playing right away. I think she's really going to love having this.

She found some chapstick in her stocking. As you can see, she's a pro at putting it on.

coughing through it all...poor baby!

Finally, on our way to Abilene to see Grammy and Papa! She got to watch Elmo on her new DVD player in the car. She loved it. We watched it three times to be exact.

Christmas Day pictures to come!


Milk Carton Mom said...

What a cutie pie! Can't wait to see the other pictures!

Anonymous said...

She is so much fun. We sure are blest.