This past Sunday we celebrated my birthday with Trent's family. His mom always cooks a big dinner and has everyone over to celebrate birthdays! Since we won't be with them this Christmas we had all the kids open their gifts from Madison and Madison opened her gifts from them as well. She was given several gifts and she's played with all of them already. Her two favorite are her babies and her fridge farm game. She's still trying to figure out her fridge farm. She's learned how to take the animals off but hasn't figured out how to get them in. Sometimes she can and sometimes she can't. I'm sure she'll figure it out soon!

While we were eating, the kids were playing in the living room. Someone glanced in to see that they had 'decorated' the Christmas tree with tea cups, forks, spoons etc. It was really cute. I had them all stand in front of it to take a picture!

Here she is holding her babies and playing with her fridge farm (on the floor) after we got home!

Glad we never found her a baby. She is gonna love all the new toys she gets.......she has been needing some for her age. See you soon, can't wait! The minutes are just slowly passing by. I feel like I did when I was a kid waiting for Santa to come, except now I am waiting for Madison, Trent, Mike and you to come home. GL
Hey! Kendall just got a fridge farm today from a friend at church and she loves it! I'm so sorry she's sick. She looks like she just really doesn't feel good. I hope she's better for christmas.
We will be in FW from wednesday to Saturday so we probably won't be able to get together then, but I will be back in town from the 1st to the 10th, so maybe we can get together then before you go back to school. We really want to see y'all!
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