She likes ice cream...can you tell?? She licked the ice cream lid while I made us a chocolate milk shake...after our milk shake the doorbell rang (7:30pm). Madison had another surprise from her Nana and Pa! It was a day late :) but she got to open another Valentine package...
showing off her new clothes and teddy bear!
Her favorite part was the box!
Here we are enjoying another milk shake. This is becoming an every other night tradition. It might need to end soon, before both of us blow up! We started off sharing a straw but I had to have Trent bring me another one because Madison wouldn't let me have a drink! She loves her some chocolate milk shake.
She can't take her eyes off Elmo. Yes, this is right before bed. I know, I'm a bad mom!
Just wait to see what you will do to appease them when there is two! I'm glad to "hear" from ya..been thinking about you guys. Love the pics!
Tell Madison that her Nana will share a shake with her next time I see her. I think she enjoys them.
Love you all.
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