Treats from the Easter Bunny
of course she goes for the m&m's
her two favorite things - bunny and m&m's (we had bought this same bunny for Kailyn and Madison didn't understand why she had to give it away. So, the Easter Bunny had to bring her one of her own)
eating a few m&m's before church - a fit soon followed because I wouldn't let her have any more.
Kim, Madison, Cooper and Abby
Madison and Pop Pop
playing ring-around-the-rosie
We had the kids line up to take their picture before they could go out and find their eggs
and they're off...
not sure about her hand being wet
This is where she decided to just leave her basket and bring her eggs back to it. Soon after this Trent started carrying it for her!
checking out all her eggs as she adds one more
towards the end she started opening all of her eggs before she'd put them in the basket. I guess she wanted to see what was in them first.
carrying her heavy basket
happy kids - Madison had already started unwrapping a piece of chocolate and was handing me the wrapper in this picture :)
Madison with her new baby cousin, Kailyn!

some of the Vest cousins and their kids
What fun!Next year her NaNa and Paw are going to join the crowd. It looks like 2 more wouldn't matter. Thanks for all the pics. Looks like lots of fun was had by all.
Love ya'll
she is just so cute! I love her dress. Are you even showing yet??? You look fantastic!
Madison is really pretty in her Easter Dress....I love it. Her hair is sure growing, it seems we haven't seen her in ages, even though it has just been a little less than a month. Looks like the kids had a fun Easter Egg Hunt. Wish we were closer to spend every holiday together.
You still don't look like you are showing, can't wait to hear what the next baby will be, boy or girl?
looks like yall had a great easter! madison's dress is so cute!
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