Mom and Ron came to stay with us Sunday night! Ron had given us tickets to the Rangers game so they were coming to stay with Madison while we went to the game. Madison was so excited to have them. She had Nana play with her 'table head' (potato head) for a long time, they played in her room and went on several walks all before we left for the game. When we went to the game they took her to McDonalds to eat and play. Her crazy Nana climbed up in the playground with her. Now she's going to expect Trent and I to climb up and play with her the next time we go...that's not gonna happen! I guess Nana will have to come back every time we go. :)

coming home from their first walk

Turning around to wave as they head off on their second walk!
Monday morning I had a doctors appointment so they watched Madison again while I went to my appointment and Trent was at work. All is good with baby #2 (still no name). I have another sonogram when I go back in 2 weeks. I can't believe I'm already having to go every 2 weeks! A little less than 10 weeks to go! I'm so ready!
We really enjoyed seeing ya'll. Madison is so much fun. We can't wait for baby #2. At McDonalds, you just have to get to the blue car.
NaNa and Pa
Too bad the blue car is at the VERY top! My belly won't fit through the tunnels. AND did you notice the sign that says like 4-12 years old. You're a little over 12 :)
It is amazing what NaNa, Pa, Papa, and Grammy will do for Madison! lol
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