First day of daycare 2008 (14 months old)
First day of daycare 2009 (26 months old)
She wanted a picture with the spoon in her mouth before she'd take one without! Trent took Madison this morning. He said she didn't cry. He set her down to eat her breakfast and she just looked around, a little unsure, but never got upset. When he left she just watched him out of the corner of her eye. When he picked her up they said she did good. When he asked her about her day she said she had fun with her friends but she didn't want to see them again. She wanted to stay home with Mommy and Daddy. When I asked her what she did she said, "played with a baby but she took it away" apparently a friend took her baby away :)
We all survived. It made it easier that Trent took her. This week he's taking and picking up because he starts later than me and gets out earlier. Starting next week it will be back to our normal routine...he takes and I pick up!
She is quite the ham these days. I love it.
NaNa and Pa
It just doesn't seem like she should be growing up this fast! GL
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