Madison LOVES her little brother. She always wants to hold "Tooper". Every time she holds him she thinks that I need to take their picture. She says, "Mommy, I hold Tooper" "Take picture" She holds him for about 1 minute and then wants us to hold him again. She's a big helper - getting pacifiers, blankets, diapers or whatever else he needs. She hasn't asked to change him yet. I really thought she would. If he has a bottle she wants to help hold it. When I feed him she has to come watch. She's very curious about him.
He's a sweet little guy. He doesn't do much but eat, sleep and poop! He seems to be a little fussy when he's awake but I think it's because he's trying to go back to sleep and can't. Our house is not a quiet house.
I'm looking forward to my 12 weeks at home with my babies. Here are some pictures from our first week home.
This was our first night at home. Both kids just had their baths and are cuddling on the couch!
Cooper loves to watch Madison if she is playing or laying close by
First Bath at home! As you can see, he was NOT a fan! He hates being out of his blanket. Not only was he out of his blanket but I was also getting him wet which meant a mad baby! He calmed down quickly and was back to sleep in no time.
Tuesday was our first day to leave the house. We had to go in for Cooper's 2 day check up. I was getting ready and this is how Madison entertained herself. She put on every piece of jewelery that she owns. Note to self: It takes a long time to get ready and get two kids fed and ready. We decided we needed to be ready an hour before we have to leave from now on and hopefully we'll make it to wherever we need to be on time. :)
Getting ready to leave for the doctor!
My beautiful flowers from Zack and Melanie
Saturday morning Uncle Michael came to visit. Madison was so excited he came. That morning when she was getting dressed she said "Michael's comin to see me and my pink outfit" She had just gotten the "pink outfit" the day before. Her and Michael played hard and destroyed the house. She needed that. He did get a little time with Cooper but Madison was right there too.
Nana left us Saturday night to go back home! We are going to miss her! Thanks Nana for coming to help out. Madison is still talking about your walk in the rain. This morning she said "Nana, my baby, my stroller and Madison got all wet"
1 comment:
I do miss you all very much and hope to see you all soon.
Love NaNa and Pa
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