Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Cooper is 2 months!

I can't believe my baby is already 2 months old! Time has gone by SOOOO fast! We went in for his check-up yesterday and I was amazed at how much he had grown.
At 2 weeks he was:
8lbs (25%)
22" (65%)
his head was 36 1/2 cm (30%).
At his 2 month check up he was:
12.3 lbs( 70%)
25 1/4" (97%)
his head was 39 1/2 (45%)!!

He went from 25% in weight to 70% and 65% in height to 97%! No wonder all of his pants are getting so short on him! It seems like he just grew in the past two weeks!

I can't imagine our family without him in it. It's definitely different and hard at times since Trent is working so much right now but I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Cooper LOVES Madison. If she's anywhere near him he watches her. He will follow her all around the room. He loves when she talks to him and often stops crying if she gets in his face (because her idea of talking to him means that she has to pretty much touch his nose with hers as she talks). She LOVES him too. If he's crying she wants me to get him immediately. She loves to sing to him, read to him and hold him. I'm so thankful that she's so accepting of him and has not be too jealous.

He loves when we sing to him. He'll smile and coo. It's the cutest thing.

He is sleeping in his crib. We moved him into his own room at 4 weeks! Way faster than we did with Madison but he's done well in there. He goes to bed between 8-9 and usually sleeps til 3ish. (Sometimes he still wakes up around midnight) Then he's usually up again around 6. During the day he's not such a good sleeper. He likes to be held. He'd sleep all day if I would lay on the couch and hold him. But since I have Madison that's just not possible! Plus the ladies at daycare probably wouldn't be too happy with me. I can usually get one good nap out of him...sometimes it's in the morning and sometimes it's in the afternoon. Other than that he takes short little naps in his chair and sometimes in his bed. We're working on this.

He's happiest in the morning. If I need to do anything around the house, this is when I have to do it. This is the one time he'll stay in one place for a long time. I usually lay him on his mat and he'll just coo at all the animals. He's recently started hitting at the toys that hang from it. He will also sit in his brown chair and enjoys the fact that it vibrates.

He loves to move - he kicks his legs, moves his arms and has even started to roll onto his side. But he doesn't want to be in one place for too long. He has to move from being held to laying down to sitting in his chair. It's my job to figure out what exactly he wants at that moment. :) When he's awake he prefers to be held. He'd prefer me to be walking too. If you are holding him and sitting down he likes to look out and see what's going on. He's very observant already.

He doesn't really take a pacifier. Again, he likes to suck on it but would prefer me to hold it there.

He does better with bath time now. He doesn't scream the whole time and he likes when we pour the warm water over him. He does not love it yet like his sister does.

His eyes are still blue. I hope they stay blue.

He has THE CUTEST side smile! He's really started smiling lately. Most of the time it's at one of us but every once in awhile I'll catch him smiling at his toys. I love it. He's even laughed a few times when I've been talking to him. I hope to catch the side smile in a picture but haven't gotten it yet.

I can't believe these past 2 months have come and gone so quickly. I have LOVED being home with the kids. I'm not looking forward to going back to work in December! It's going to be a big adjustment for all of us!


Anonymous said...

Awe, he is looking so big, 12 lbs already. I know you are loving being home with the kids, they are lucky to have you guys as parents. GL

RanAshKenCoop said...

I can't believe he is 2 months already! He is so cute and I think he looks so much like Madison. I loved what you said about not being able to imagine your family without him in it. We are ready to have a second one, but sometimes I wonder if I will like having 2 as much as I like it just being us three. Glad to hear you are loving it!! :)

Anonymous said...

You two have two beautiful children. We are blessed.
NaNa and Pa

So much enjoyed being there with you all.