Thursday, May 6, 2010


that my BABY is 8 months old!?!?! I CAN NOT! In 4 short months he will be ONE! Oh my goodness I think time continues to move faster and faster!

Our sweet boy is growing up so fast. He's changing so much and becoming less and less baby. This past month he:

-He started eating yogurt melts (I still break them up because they are a little big)
-He's added yogurt to his list of foods. The doctor wanted him to start eating it everyday because of all the antibiotics he's been on due to his ear infections.
-He was given mashed potatoes and some whipped cream by his daycare teachers. Don't think that will happen anymore. :) I was not happy about the whipped cream. I love her so I forgave her.
-He started drinking 8oz bottles (still every 3 hours)
-He loves to clap. He claps anytime he gets excited. Everyday when I walk into his daycare room he gets a smile across his face and claps and claps and claps. It makes me SO happy!
-He laughs and laughs and laughs, especially at his funny older sister
-He says da-da all the time *Everytime he says da-da Madison will say "ma-ma" to him. I guess she's trying to help me out. He just looks at her and smiles and starts saying da-da over and over. It's cute to watch.
-He gets in the crawling position but still hasn't crawled
-LOVES to hold your hands and walk
-He can stand and hold onto things. He stands outside of his exersaucer and plays with the toys on it.
-Only takes one nap for the most part. He usually sleeps about 2-3 hours. He still takes a short second nap on the weekends for the most part.
-Just started crying when someone else wants to hold him. He doesn't do it all the time. Before now, he'd go to anyone as long as someone was holding him and talking to him.
-He has some teeth! He has 3 completely in and 2 coming in. He has his two bottom ones (in the middle) and he has his top side tooth all the way in. His two front teeth are both poking through but still working their way down. His teeth are CROOOOKED! I've never seen crooked baby teeth!
-He has had two haircuts! He got one right before Easter and then Trent just recently cut it again. I don't know how we're ever going to fix this boys hair. It's a mess!

We are very blessed with a very happy, smiley baby. He's so easy to take with us (except when we want to go out to eat...then he's into everything...or makes a huge mess with his cheerios) and loves to be around people. Everywhere we go people talk about his smile. It's so contagious. I hope he continues to keep the joy that he has. I hope he continues to smile everyday and the simple things.


kellie said...

Courtney! I cant believe how big Cooper is getting!! Also its weird our 1 yr anniv. is coming up and you were still preg with him then!!! CRAZY

Anonymous said...

He's so CUTE! Has such a good personality. Grammy

Anonymous said...

Every time you post something, I think I need new pics sent here. They grow so quickly.
NaNa and Pa