Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Michael's Graduation

Michael graduated from Hardin Simmons this past weekend...after 7 years! We joked with him that Randy and Kara were going to graduate high school and beat him through college but he didn't let that happen! In his defense, he did work full time all the way through. I'm excited that he finally graduated because he has moved closer to ME!!! He moved to Bedford and his apartment is only 30 minutes from my house (with minimal traffic)

Madison played musical laps during the graduation ceremony! Both of the kids were so good. I was thankful for that.

7 years coming! He's officially a graduate!

Madison did not want her picture taken!

until she got to sit on the horse...

Picture Time!!!


Mom's family (Dean is hidden behind Grandmom)

Dad's family (Papa is hidden in the top picture behind me)

Papa and Nanny with Michael

Dad and Mom with Michael

Randy & Carson- They said they did not plan to match! :)

Cooper finally gave in...he was SO tired!

He didn't even wake up when Michael put him in my car! He's OUT!

We (both families...mom's & dad's) went to eat at 5:30! We had 20 people plus Cooper so it took awhile. The kids did well considering how long we were there. It helped having lots of people to help me out! :)

I love how Cooper is looking right at the camera, as if he knows how to pose. As many pictures as I take of him, he might actually already know how to pose. :) Nice smile, Michael.

It was a quick trip! We left Saturday morning to go to Abilene...did graduation stuff all day/night and then we came back home Sunday morning. We were home by noon so that we could spend some time with Trent since we hadn't seen him since Wednesday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a good time. Thanks for all the pics and again, CONGRATULATIONS MICHAEL.
The kids were really troopers.
NaNa and Pa