I had to tape the paper to the top of the chair because he immediately grabbed it and started eating it. He spent most of his time turning around backwards in the chair and throwing the monkey on the ground. It sure it getting a lot harder to get a picture of him. His hair looks red in all of these pictures. It must be the lighting because he doesn't have any red at all. He's blond all the way. I remember Madison's looking red in pictures when she was little. Who knows...
This month he seems to have grown up A LOT!
He is 19lbs 12oz - 32%
30 1/2 in - 97%
46cm (head) - 70%
Still long and skinny!
In the past month he:
-added lots of new foods- avocados, rice, beans (black & re-fried), tortillas, eggs (but we were told not to give them to him until he was 2, that's changed since Madison), chunks of bananas, mac-n-cheese and strawberries. He LOVES strawberries. They are his FAVORITE.
-He's started crawling. He has the funkiest crawl ever, even more so than Madison's. He keeps one leg bent (like it would be if you were sitting Indian style) and the other leg switches between normal crawl and lifting up to use his foot. Who knows why my kids don't crawl normal. Oh well.
-Loves to pull up on things
-Has 6 teeth. He has 4 on top and 2 on bottom. Trent thinks he's getting a molar in. I hope so because that might explain his fussiness lately. He's not a fussy baby at all but has been recently. I was positive he had another ear infection but when he went in for his check up his ears were good.
- Speaking of ears...he went to the ENT. He's going to have tubes put in on the 18th of this month. He's had about 6 ear infections since January. This is the longest he's been without one. It's been about a month.
-He's mastered picking up small pieces of food. He used to just grab it all with his fist and shovel it in but he can now pinch it :)
-got in a pool for the first time. He did not like it. I think it was because it was so cold. Zack and Melanie had bought an above ground pool and had just filled it up that afternoon. It hadn't had time to warm up in the sun. He was not a fan.
-He absolutely LOVES Madison. Her main goal in life is to make him laugh. He seems to laugh the most when she hits herself or if she runs around and falls down. So she spends most of her days doing just that. I love that she wants to make him laugh.
-he said mama once. I think it was an accident because I can't get him to say it again. He'll say
maba now. He doesn't say that often. Still says dada and has also started with the b sounds.
-screams/yells in excitement ALOT. I'm not a huge fan of this. It's loud.
-clicks his tongue alot. We'll hear him over the monitor in the morning just clicking away. It makes us giggle. If you click back he laughs.
-his sleeping hasn't been so great. I think when he was having awful ear problems/allergy problems he got used to being up at night and is still waking up. Sometimes he'll cry himself back to sleep but most of the time we get him and he drinks a bottle and goes back to sleep. It's been better the past few nights so I'm hoping he's getting back in the habit of sleeping through the night. It's hard to go back.
1 comment:
Cooper has gotten alot bigger than the Monkey, finally. He is growing fast and such a sweet boy.
Yes I will log on so Papa can see all the new pictures, he wouldn't want to miss anything.
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