The Aquarium:
in front of monkey island
They LOVED watching the otters! I wish I had my camera ready because at one point one of the otters swam up to Cooper and looked right at him for a few seconds. It was SO cute.
Trent and Madison looking at something while Cooper takes a break in the stroller!
There were huge sea animals in this tank! Cooper loved getting out to look when he could lean on the glass! Madison did not want her picture taken.
Shark tank!
Yep, she's licking the glass. That's my child. She got several gasps and ewws from the ladies next to me. Nice.
We didn't take the sit and stand so at one point they both rode in this stroller together. They had fun though. Most of the time I held Cooper and Madison rode in the stroller.
After we left the aquarium we headed to Vista Ridge Mall for ice cream and the playground!
she tried so hard to climb up this thing the whole time we were there but she never got it.
Cooper had a blast. He followed all the big kids around like he was one of them. He would get so mad if I ever took him back to where we were.
He took his first real steps here! The big kids ran for the tan slide and Cooper started after them. Trent went to grab him and realized what he was doing so he let go. He took about 4 steps and finally dropped to crawl the rest of the way! Later that night he did it several more times. 6 is the most he's been able to take before he falls or sits to crawl!
We had such a fun time together! It was truly a great family day. Tomorrow we are headed to the splash park!
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