love this!
Madison refuses to smile in most pictures these days because she 'doesn't like pictures'!
He's already yawning and it's only the 1st inning!
She promised she liked cotton candy and then after about 3 bites she decided it wasn't so great! I could have had a funnel cake instead! :)
We were at the game that the man fell from the second level. We were sitting just 2 sections away. Trent actually saw him fall. I was corralling kids so I didn't see it, thank goodness! He fell from the top (kind of where the guy in red is standing). It was such a scary, crazy thing to happen! Thank goodness he's ok!
On our way to the car Madison was running and tripped. She fell flat on her belly and then her head literally slammed into the sidewalk. I was afraid she had busted all of her teeth out with the sound that it made. She came away with this nice knot on her head!
We had a great time and plan to go to a few more games before August comes and football starts!
It looks like you still had a good time considering all the excitement and ---injuries. Madisons poor head!!1
You all need some Ranger Gear if you are going to the games.
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