I can't believe we are one month away from celebrating his FIRST BIRTHDAY!! Time has gone by so quickly. I feel like he's grown up before our eyes.
In his 10th month he:
-STARTED WALKING!! He started off taking a few steps. Then he went to walking and as soon as he'd fall he'd just crawl the rest of the way. Then overnight he just woke up and started walking everywhere. He never crawls anymore. He's still wobbly but he gets around pretty quickly!
-since he is walking, he's constantly getting into Madison's things. The tattling has begun. She's pretty good about it but she has her days where I feel like she's constantly tattling on him. He has his days where he's constantly in her stuff. :)
-we broke him of his 2:30am bottle. He goes to bed around 8:00 and usually he'll wake up around 5:30 or 6:00. I get up and give him a bottle and he usually goes back to sleep until 8:00. Sometimes he'll sleep straight through until 7:00. In 2 weeks he'll have to be up early anyways.
-he eats most table food now. It makes it a little easier when we're out because I don't have to worry about packing a full meal for him. He does LOVE his lil crunchies cheese flavored sticks. They are basically baby cheetos. Another big favorite is still strawberries.
-some of the new foods he's had this month are: lil crunchies, graham crackers, gold fish, party burrito from Taco Bueno (he ate almost the whole thing), corn, hamburger meat, waffles & ravioli.
-still has the same 6 teeth. 4 on top and 2 on bottom.
-He's STILL a screamer! I hope daycare can cure him of this because I've had no success.
-He's learned one sign. All done. He's so proud when he does it.
-He loves anything with wheels: strollers, cars, wheelchairs, lawnmowers...anything!!!
-He loves all balls! He can throw it pretty well too!
-He LOVES the bath and LOVES being outside. If he's ever upset we can take him outside or put him in the bathtub and he immediately starts laughing. Sometimes he takes LONG baths :)
-He still doesn't say much. He's constantly making sounds but he really only says dada consistently.
-drinks from a sippy cup
-watches TV especially when they are singing. Barney and The Wheels on the Bus are two of his favorites. Madison usually watches one in the morning and one in the evening and he usually finds his way into our room to watch it with her. It's real cute.
Next month I'll be posting pictures of this sweet boy on his birthday! We managed to find a day that his Daddy could be there too since football season is in full swing!
I'm going to have a hard time sending him back to daycare! My days won't be the same without his smiling face following me all around the house!
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