My sweet girl
This picture cracks me up! They had not adjusted to the bright sun! I love how Cooper has the biggest smile on his face but his eyes are closed. Makes me laugh.
Cooper is not a good outside picture taker. He makes this silly face. :)
watching other kids play...not interested in looking at me!
Cooper was walking around trying to pick up pumpkins. Madison saw that he couldn't pick them up so she went to help! She's such a sweet big sister.
This is what she did most of the time....Run, Run, Run!
watching the kids jump off the hay
Trent had to help her climb up to the top!
Then she would slide down! She loved this and did over and over again!
He just watched! I'm sure he wanted to join in on the fun. I wouldn't be surprised if he's on top next year.
This totally cracks me up! I have a feeling the next few years will look like this! Can you see the difference in boys and girls. Even at this age, Madison would stand still for the picture. He had better things to do, like play in the dirt.
I cropped it so you could see the face Cooper is making.
Finally the picture taking is over and it was time to play! She went down this slide a million times and never got tired of it.
Then we moved onto the bounce house! She jumped with Cooper for awhile and then she left him to go back to the slide.
He wasn't really sure what to think about it. He kinda just sat there. I had to eventually go in and get him. He kept trying to walk to me but kept falling. I couldn't get him to crawl out.
We had such a good time. It was actually pretty hot for only being in the 80's. There wasn't much wind. We were so thankful that it wasn't packed and we were able to enjoy ourselves. The kids had a great time and crashed in the car on the way home.
Wearing my sunglasses- before she fell asleep!
I need these sent to Walmart on HWY 351. I really want to come and go with you next year. I'm glad Trent got to go this year. I love the one of Cooper in the 1st Pumpkin patch bowl. I sure miss ya'll, seems like the kids have grown alot since I have seen them. I can't even remember when I saw them last. :((
I see Madison had her pumpkin picked out and holding it. Looks like ya'll had a blast and the weather was good.
NaNa and Pa
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