Sunday morning I woke up with pink eye. It didn't bother me and I didn't think anything about it except I was supposed to go visit one of my long time friends because she just had her second baby the week before Christmas. I wasn't able to go because I didn't want to pass it on. I started taking the kids medicine when I got home. Monday morning I woke up with my eye swollen shut. Funny thing is, it never really went down. Tuesday morning the same thing happened. I decided to go ahead and go into the doctor because I started thinking...maybe it's not pink eye. I mean, I've never had pink eye this bad. It was. She sent me home with a prescription, which I didn't fill since I still had some of the kids left. I wasn't home two hours and I started feeling pretty awful. I had noticed that my left lymph node was sore when the doctor was pushing around on my neck and face but didn't think much of it. My throat was killing me and my lymph node was throbbing. Wednesday wasn't much better, in fact I was feeling pretty awful most of the day. I knew I was running a fever in the middle of the night because I'd wake up after it broke and I was so sweaty. Thursday I woke up and was the same so Trent sent me back to the doctor. When I got there I was running 102.5. They were sure I had strep but did a strep & flu test. Both came back negative. So then they did a mono test and took my blood. After a few hours of waiting and ruling things out they said I had a bacterial infection of the lymph node, throat and ear. They had fancy names for them but that's basically what it was. They gave me a shot, a pack of steroids and another antibiotic to take. I came home and went straight to bed. Little did I know my worst night was waiting on me...I was throwing up and feeling awful and around 7:30 my fever shot up to 103.9. It stayed there. I showered. I had wet rags on me. I felt like I was dying. Finally after taking more ibuprofen it broke around 10:30. I was able to sleep through most the night and woke up feeling better Friday. I did my best to relax most of the day. Trent and the kids went to Celina. We were all supposed to go for our family Christmas and to celebrate New Years. I stayed behind and rested. I was feeling ok, other than a sore throat, so it was really hard to do. Because I was sick, I missed out on meeting another new sweet baby. David and Amy also had their baby the week before Christmas and I planned to take a day to go see them and meet Hannah! I'll have to meet both of these sweet babies soon! It's Sunday now and I'm just now feeling like I am pretty much back to normal. Every once in awhile my throat still hurts when I swallow. My eyes are still pink but the swelling is gone. I'm still on tons of medicine! Ugh! What a week!
What a way to spend the last week off!!!!
Yikes! That stinks.... sorry you've felt so bad! Get well soon!
p.s. your christmas pics are cute! :)
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