Saturday, February 5, 2011

Mr. Personality

Our little boy is growing up so fast! He's definitely not a baby anymore. I haven't blogged about him since before his 1st birthday. He has grown so much since then. He is definitely Mr. Personality. He's not shy! He's a HUGE music lover. He loves to dance. If music is playing he is moving. He loves, loves, loves his sister. He also loves to hit his sister. He just recently starting going to time out for hitting. He did surprisingly well. The first time, he tried to get up once but then sat the remainder of the time. I think he's been back twice since then and just sits there. It's almost like he doesn't care, which is a little scary. :) He's got a tender heart. He gets his feelings hurt really easily. He still loves all things with wheels. He can throw a ball...hard! He loves to read. Animal books are his favorite. He can understand almost everything we say to him. He's a climber and a jumper. We have to keep a close eye on him.
He climbed to the top of our swing set by going up the slide at 13 months. There went the days of letting the kids go play out back by themselves while I cooked dinner.
At 14 months he could say mama, dada, thank you, i love you, and Ma (Madison). At 15 months: He knew sign language: please, thank you, eat and more. He didn't naturally use them. He naturally whined. :) He was wearing 18 month clothes. He LOVED Christmas lights. He especially loved the blow up decorations. He would literally yell in excitement at them. He recognizes songs from TV shows he watches. He has been doing this for a long time. He would pop up to the Barney song when he was only a few weeks old. It was scary. He copies things we do. Claps. Moos like a cow and barks like a dog. He does an elephant impression and makes a sound to go along with it. He had almost all of his teeth but has 2 more coming in. His mouth is full!
AT 16 months: This is when his personality started shinning through. He 'talks' a lot more. He will come up to me a say what sounds like several sentences and it's all gibber gabber. He'll know what he's saying. He'll point and have me follow him to whatever he wants. He says Ra-co (Rosco). He calls for him a lot. It's cute. He copies a lot of words we say. He doesn't always say them correctly but they have the correct sounds. HE'S A LIPSYNCER. It's hilarious. When the kids songs are on in the car he moves his mouth and pretends to be singing with us. It might be the cutest thing I've ever seen. He throws fits. He loves riding in his sisters gator. He colors on everything--walls, furniture, booths at restaurants. We aren't used to this. His sister was little miss perfect. He moves chairs all around the house to crawl onto things. He makes bunny sound and growls now. He loves to be outside. He doesn't like for his hands to be dirty while he's eating. It's actually quiet ridiculous how many times I have to wipe his hands off. He doesn't like to sit in highchairs at restaurants anymore. We have to ask for a booth so he can stand next to us. He makes silly faces all the time. He gives hugs and they are oh so sweet! There is nothing better than having his little arms wrapped around my neck.
He's a super happy baby as long as he has his sleep. If he's tired, he's pretty miserable. He's learning to share. He loves his sister and his dogs. He gets easily frustrated and screams (when a toy gets stuck etc). He LOVES his bear blanket. He carries it everywhere. Trent calls him Linus. He minds really well (most of the time). He's a very special boy. He brings so much joy and laughter to our family. We love you sweet boy! I can't believe we are so close to the year and a half mark!

1 comment:

Grammy Laurie said...

I was pleasently surprised at his dancing, singing and funny personality. Papa was talking on the phone the other day, and he told his friend, my grandson, Cooper he is something else then he told him about him singing and dancing to cartoons. I'm sorry he colors on your walls, I never had to worry about that, one of my brothers colored on everything though, and you know my family, he got to color until she grew out of it, then we got to paint the walls. I'm not sure I can see you doing that :)