He was: 35 1/4" (98% in height)
25 lbs 3 oz (39% in weight)
His head was 48cm (55%)
It doesn't surprise me that he's in the 98% for his height. I think he's always been above 96%. He's taller than Kailyn who is 6 months older than him and he's taller than our neighbor that is 4 months older.
This sweet boy is talking a lot more. We still can't understand most of it. He mostly repeats words that we say to him. He can say: Momma, Daddy, Ra-co, ouch, ouchie, apple, cookie, bye-bye, Papa, Nana, cheese (chiz), Tooper (Cooper), Uh-oh, ball, moo, hi, thank you AND he sings Baby O (Justin Beiber) because he hears it over and over.
He knows his boy parts (nose, ears, hair, eyes, mouth and belly). He's learning to ride a tricycle. He LOVES fruit. He started getting time outs at 16 months. He's only had to go 2 or 3 times and it's always for hitting his sister. He's a super sweet boy and he's growing up way too fast!!!
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