Cooper had a good check up. He's 27.4lbs (46%) and he's 35 inches (66%). This is the shortest he's ever been. He's never been under 96%. He's still a head taller than most kids his age so I'm not 100% sure that is accurate.
At two:
-Cooper is talking a ton. The doctor asked how many words he had and I couldn't even begin to tell her. He is talking up a storm. He says 4 and 5 word sentences.
-He repeats everything right now. Almost to the point that it drives you crazy :)
-If you ask him a question he always says umm... before he answers. I'm not sure where this came from but he's just recently started doing it
-He's also telling me "no ma'am" when I do something he doesn't like.
-He loves yogurt right now. He always eats his vegetables first. He's our healthy eater. Although he does love party burritos and french fries.
-He still carries his two bears around
-He's recently started asking to pray. As soon as he walks in his room he says "Jesus". It's sweet to finally hear him ask to pray. He loves singing Madison's prayer from school before meals. He's our little prayer warrior right now.
-He knows ABC's, Jesus Loves Me, Jesus Loves the Little Children, The Wheels on the Bus, Baby Oh and I'm sure many more. Those are the ones I can think of right now. He likes Our God is an Awesome God but doesn't know all the words.
-He can HIT a ball FAR off a baseball tee.
-He calls coke 'bubble juice' and tries to sneak drinks when he can
-Still drinks tons of milk. We switched him to 2% instead of skim because he doesn't eat much.
-He likes to watch: Toy Story, Blues Clues, Backyardigans, Ni-Hao Kai-Lan, Bubble Guppies & Fresh Beats (They watched a lot of TV this summer while I was sick with baby #3)
-He's not interested in all about potty training. I think I've gotten him to sit on the potty twice. Any other time I ask he starts crying "no, no, no". I haven't pushed it too much but I do hope to get him started in that direction soon. I really don't want to be changing two diapers come January. I have a feeling I will be for awhile since it's already almost October.
I can't believe our baby boy is 2 years old already. Time is flying by. He is such a fun kid. He has the best personality and is already so funny. I think we have a class clown in our future. I have a feeling we might be getting some calls from his teachers when he starts school. :) We'll see. He loves to make people laugh and I love that about him. He's definitely all boy. He likes to be rough and hits his sister a lot. He's not doing it to be mean, he just wants to play. He love, love, loves to be outside. He likes any kind of ball or car or truck. He does wear princess dresses from time to time. He did get some boy dress up clothes for his birthday though. His daddy was tired of seeing him dressed like Tinkerbell. He loves music and loves to dance. He loves to jump off of things. He wants to do everything his sister does. He truly is a gift to our family and can't wait to see the young man he grows up to be. We are so proud of the little boy that he is becoming.