We celebrated Cooper's 2nd birthday party at Joan & Shon's house! They have a pool so we decided to have a swim party. We invited grandparents, aunts & uncles and cousins! Everyone but Bart and Randy were able to come. It was nice because the high was 92. Isn't it sad when 92 seems cool. :)
We had a dump truck theme because Cooper got a ton of dump trucks for his 1st birthday. He loves cars right now. We grilled hamburgers and hotdogs and had chips and fruit to go with it. After we ate, the kids swam and then we came back in to open presents and eat cupcakes!
I LOVED watching Cooper open his presents! He was SO excited about everything he opened. I can't wait to go back and watch the video to hear all the funny things he said. I've never seen a kid so excited about EVERYTHING.
He got his own radio so he can play his own Justin Bieber songs on it. :)
He was not interested in having cupcakes after opening all of his presents. His Nana and Pop Pop got him a car to ride on. He did not want to get off of it to sit by his cupcake. We held it close to him and sang to him anyways.
After a few minutes he finally decided he'd have some cupcake!
Then he went back to his car...
We had a great day celebrating our sweet boy! Thank you everyone for making it special with us. He is definitely one loved little boy!
Fun party Courtney! Looks like you guys had a blast...love all the decorations! Miss yall!
nice pics i love it
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