Our Superwoman and Superman

Cooper stayed home sick from daycare on Halloween (He was sick last year too) but he was fine all day so we decided it was ok for him to go to Carnival 31 at our church. I love their matching outfits! We had to bribe Cooper with candy to wear his. He kept saying, "I don't want sue-ker man". I told him he had to wear it so he could go get candy and he said, "Otay". He ran out the door yelling "candy, candy, candy" when it was time to go!
Our neighbors were outside so we had to get a picture with them. Aren't they so cute? Cooper and Drew go to the same daycare and are in the same class.
Carnival 31 was fun. We did some trunk-or-treating when we got there. Madison actually said trick-or-treat this year and Cooper did too a few times.

Cooper walked around with his bag open most of the night. He was taking it all in. He even wandered off with a crowd to go back for more candy. Trent was watching him the whole time and just let him. He thought it was hilarious.

She couldn't wait to get in the bounce house and he is finally getting his first (of many) piece of candy!
They bounced in bounce houses and played a ton of games before calling it a night!
Cooper was playing basketball but my camera wasn't fast enough to get an action shot. They had a lot of fun and got a decent amount of candy. They were exhausted by the time we got home and so was I.
It looks like it was really fun. Love the costumes.
Wish we could have been there.
Nana and Pa
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