Well we took Madison to see Santa on Thursday. As you can see, she didn't care for him at all! The whole time we were standing in line she kept hugging me and kissing me, almost like she was trying to be very sweet so that I wouldn't make her sit with him. I had them get ready before I put her down because I knew she would cry. Before I could even set her all the way down the tears were flowing!
It'll be cute to have when she's all grown up! I have a feeling our Santa pictures might be like this for a few years to come. She doesn't like strangers very much. Especially strangers that are in big red suites and have big white beards.
We're taking Rémy to see Santa tomorrow...I fear we're going to have the same experience. She hates to go to anyone she doesn't know...but it's only long enough for a picture, right?!
I see you were right in her not liking this experience. Poor baby.
Sorry, but too CUTE! G L
So sad she didn't like him! Now her and Kendall have matching pictures. Congrats on being done with school for awhile!
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