Trent and Madison as we were leaving for the party! Isn't her jacket so cute? It's sweatshirt material so it's not only cute but comfy!
Madison sitting with Rob and Stephanie's girls - Katy and Keelie
Saturday- We had the Liberty Christmas Party. We didn't take any pictures that night! Gary and Sue Ann came to our house to watch Madison. We had another good night of food and fellowship! Plus, Trent got his Christmas bonus! That's always nice.
Sunday - We had the Nichols Christmas. We all went out to Van and Kathy's house. We ate lots of food, did a gift exchange and watched the kids play. I took several pictures from the day. I'll apologize now for how many I posted. I just couldn't decide which ones to put up.
We were trying to get a picture of Abby and Madison. We told Abby to give Madison a hug--so the second picture is supposed to be a hug. She's not putting her in a head lock.
All the kids looking at the cows!
Madison with Uncle Seth! He took her outside so he became her best friend for awhile!
Trent's family! There are so many of us and Seth isn't even married yet! Pretty soon we'll need a camera with panoramic view to take a picture. You can't tell in the picture but we will soon have one more to add. Melanie will have her precious baby in March!
Madison and her cousins! We never did get one where they are all looking at the camera!
Trent's Cousins! Every year, at Christmas, they line up in order from tallest to shortest and take a picture. I'm not really sure why they grab eachothers legs. They have pictures from way back doing this same thing.
All the cousins with Gene Pop
Abby brought her baby and her baby carseat and Madison decided she liked the seat for herself. She carried it around the living room and sat in it. She did this for a long time. I think it was Ring Around the Rosie that got her out of it!
We had a good time. It was a busy weekend but full of fun memories. We're taking Madison to see Santa on Thursday. I don't think it's going to go very well. We'll see. I'll let you know how it goes...
Love the picture of Ross and Madison! I didn't know you got one like that! Sounds like y'all were as busy as we were!
Cute Christmas outfit! I love it. And we got your Christmas card today - so cute! I love the one of her in her pajamas looking at the tree. Miss you guys!
Love all the pictures. Madison is getting to big. Can't wait to see all of you.
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