I can't even believe he is already 3 months old! My time at home is quickly coming to an end (next Tuesday I go back to work) so I'm trying to soak in every moment with my sweet babies!
In this past month he has slept through the night about 6 times. Most of the time he goes to bed around 8/8:30 and sleeps til 4 or 5 and then again until 7:30/8ish! Sometimes I'm lucky and he skips the 4 o'clock feeding! I'll take this sleeping pattern. Madison was up every 2 hours until she was 6months old.
He is wearing 3-6 month clothes now. He's needed them for awhile but I stretched the 0-3 as long as I could. He's just so long that everything was starting to pull or was really short. If you know me, you know my kids can't be in high waters. In fact most of the time their pants are too long. I like long pants. :)
He's still eating every 2-3 hours during the day but goes at least 8 hours at night, sometimes 11-12 hours.
Still loves the brown chair! He has started hitting the animals that hang from it.
He love, love, LOVES when we talk to him. He gets the BIGGEST smile on his face. Sometimes he gets so excited cooing that he laughs. I love it. It melts my heart every time.
He loves to be carried in the Baby Bjorn thing. I have some off brand version (and it's actually Madison's and has some pink on it but he doesn't care) but it works just the same. I wear it around the house and when we're out in public. He LOVES it. Madison never liked it.
He likes his swing. He usually takes his morning nap in it. :)
I've slacked on tummy time. I always forget about it. He's not the biggest fan of it but he'll tolerate it for a little bit.
The car was always my for sure way to get him to sleep if nothing else worked. Not anymore. If he's tired he'll fall asleep but if not he screams! Madison tries to calm him down and talk to him. I'll hear her in the back saying "it's otay" "Tooper, don't cry" "Mommy...Toopers not beary happy" "Tooper, Tooper, Tooper". She's such a little mommy.
I think he is starting to teeth. He's chewing on his hands, chewing on my hands and drooling A LOT! I don't feel any coming through yet but all the signs are there. Madison had 2 at 4 months so I wouldn't be surprised if we started seeing some.
He blows bubbles all the time now. Madison is always right there to wipe away all the spit.
The biggest accomplishment (for me) is that we sent him to the nursery at church for the first time this month. Trent told me it was time. :) He did GREAT! When we went to get him they asked if he was always that laid back??? What??? Must not be the same baby! :) I'm glad he was good for them.
I can't believe how fast time is going. There are days where I just wish I could make time stand still and soak all of it in just a little longer! I am going to sure miss waking up to my baby boy every morning. I'm going to miss our hour together before Madison would wake up. It's one of the few times in the day that I got to hold him and talk to him alone! He is growing up so fast. I just don't want to miss a second of it.
Loved the update Courtney! I love hearing (reading :) you talk about Cooper and hearing how much you love him. Sometimes I just worry that I won't love the next one as much as I love Kendall. You give me hope. :) I'll be praying for you to have a great week. Hey - not that long till Christmas!
Cooper is such a joy! I loved keeping him. I think you shouldn't buy any more 3-6 month clothes, just saying :) GL
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