While Trent was putting all the parts together she wanted to play in the box. Then she wanted me to get in and play with her! :) Who knew a box could be so fun??? (Oh wait...I did -all the box jumping we did in college sure did entertain us)
She loved helping. She would put about 4 ornaments per branch. She didn't quite understand that she needed to spread them out. :)
She did everything I did - it was really cute
Cooper hung out in his chair while we decorated!
Madison helped her Daddy make homemade cinnamon rolls! This is a new tradition we are going to start. That way we can enjoy yummy cinnamon rolls and egg nog when we're finished decorating! Real healthy- I know.
we're still missing the bow and Cooper's stocking!
family picture now that the decorating is complete
The cinnamon rolls were so yummy! Trent did a great job! Next up is the outside...I'll post those when Trent gets them up. It will be a few days. He leaves tomorrow for his state game! They play Saturday in Kileen. Wish us luck!
1. Your tree is beautiful
2. You look amazing
3. I wish you had gazelled it again & taken a picture of some modern day box jumping.
Very pretty and Trent, I want some of those yummy cinamon rolls when I come to your house in a few weeks please!!!
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