I'll start off with a picture of my sweet baby boy (who is getting way too big)
This is Madison doing decline push-ups (an exercise off my p90x videos) She works out with me. Really.
This is a new trend these days -panties and shoes
sweet moments together
This is something else she's doing these days- cleaning out her toes. I'm not sure where she learned this from but she's constantly taking off her shoes to clean her toes. It's gross. I'm so glad I got a picture of it though.
singing in the car
The trend continues...this time with house boots (that's what she calls her house shoes)
My babies. If you look closely you'll see that Cooper's hair is in a mohawk. I did it to be silly but Madison wanted me to leave it that way. It was still like that the next morning.
They are getting so big. Madison really knows how to ham it up for the pics, I love it. Cooper is getting to big !! He is not my little baby any more.
NaNa and Pa
Those are all great pictures. It looks like your house is full of love and fun! GL
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