Thursday, February 4, 2010

Cooper is 5 months!

I really can't believe he's 5 months! Really...where has the time gone? I guess it's gone to life--day to day activities, working, chasing a 2 year old around all the while watching Cooper grow up before our eyes. He's doing great. He's such a sweet, happy baby.

We put Cooper in Madison's baby stroller. He was too big. I couldn't get the straps over his head so I didn't let her push him far. She thought it was SO FUNNY!

-He has the SWEETEST smile. It melts my heart every time. EVERY TIME.
-Sleeping schedule is still the same. Goes to bed around 8/8:30 and sleeps til 7ish. Has the occasional 4am feeding. It's hit or miss with that one.
-Takes 2 naps: Each one is usually 1-3 hours, one in the morning and one in the afternoon
-Started on foods. We are making our baby food (Thanks to Amy and Ashley). He only eats 1/2 to 1 cube for us. He eats GREAT for his daycare teacher, Amanda. He eats 2 cubes for her which is equivalent to a size 1 jar. The little stinker will only eat for her though...he won't eat for any other teachers
-He's had squash, green beans and sweet potatoes so far.
-Still has 6 oz bottles every 2-3 hours
-He was sick for the first time. He got an ear infection and a cold. He ran 101.3 fever. He was sick for about a week and a half. He's just now feeling better. (There for awhile we were up all night...we were all exhausted) We're thankful for a happy, healthy baby again.
-He's growing out of his 3-6month clothes. They are getting a little short in the length.
-He likes the swing at daycare and will fall asleep in it. He doesn't love it at home. (Are you noticing the trend...he eats at daycare, likes his swing at daycare but not here)
-has started to turn around to look at me if he's sitting on my lap. He'll turn around and just coo and smile. It's so sweet.
-He's very interested in Jack. He'll just stare at him if he's anywhere near him.
-Loves to look at books. He just talks and talks as I read.
-Seems to be more interested in general. He's able to keep his attention on things for a small amount of time--his toys entertain him more than they ever have.
-Sits in his exersaucer and enjoys it
-Just started really holding onto his toys. He loves to chew on them. Still no teeth.
-Trent says he can roll from his back to his stomach but I haven't gotten to see it yet.
-Sleeps on his side or stomach

Watching Barney together one day after daycare!

I do all these monthly updates on Cooper because he is changing so much but Madison is doing great too. She continues to be a super sweet big sister. She truly loves Cooper and loves helping with everything. She's learning so much at daycare and some of the stuff she says just cracks us up. She is sounding so grown up these days. It's cute and sad all at the same time. Her most recent is "I can't believe that". We'll be talking about something and she'll say "I can't believe that". I just smile. I just want to hold both of my babies and freeze time for awhile. I want to be able to take in and enjoy every second with them.

She wanted her picture taken in the chair too!

Madison has really gotten into Barney since Christmas and her newest thing is Dora. I guess they watch it at daycare while they eat breakfast and wait to go to their rooms. Her prayers are becoming so cute at night. Sometimes she comes up with the craziest things. She always prays for her grandparents, Tooper, 'thank you for Madison to go night night and have good dreams', mommy and daddy. Christa and Garrett make it most nights. (I work with Christa and Garrett is her boyfriend. They babysat for us one night so we could go to Trent's Christmas party). Friends, her bed, her babies, Jack and Rosco, her teachers. It's so cute because it's a small window into what she's thinking about that night. She loves to read her bible. She makes up her own stories as she 'reads' it. I think I need to do a Madison update every 6 months or so. Just for my own memories. :)


Rob said...

They are both precious. You are definitely blessed.

I know what you mean about wanting to freeze time . . . .they just grow up way too fast.

Milk Carton Mom said...

I can't believe how fast time goes by either. My baby will be 4 in a couple of months! I got to talk to Madison on the phone Saturday night. She was hoping to talk to the kids but we were having a basketball sleep over and Reese and Reid were with my sister so she settled for me. So sweet. Just wanna eat her up!