Cooper was out as soon as we loaded him in the car and Madison wasn't far behind. They were so tired from the day/night before.
Bart and his family were also visiting for the day. Zack and his family were busy and Seth was working so we were missing half the family. But we still had a great day! When we got there we ate lunch and the kids played around the cabin.
Cooper loved watching them out the door. He wants to be out there with them so bad. Reese was good about coming to the door to play with him. He would get so excited.
I love these pictures! They are just 26 months apart! They have so much fun playing together.
My sweet girl actually agreed to take a picture! That is a first these days. She's informed me that 'she doesn't like pictures' That's gonna be a problem because I like to take pictures. Lots of them.
After the kids played for awhile we headed to the pool. We brought Madison's bike with us because we knew the older kids would have theirs and we were hoping she'd learn to peddle a little better. She did exactly that. She became a fast bike rider on this trip.
Madison, Reese, and Reid all rode their bikes to the pool so Trent, Ross, Cooper and I walked with them. The others drove down in the car.
I L.O.V.E this picture! She will hate me for it one day but I don't care :)
After we were finished swimming Gary and Ross played putt-putt so I took the other kids over to 'watch'. They watched about one hole and then ran around to the empty holes and played. Then they found the sand and stayed there for awhile. (Trent had taken Cooper back to the cabin to take a nap after about an hour and a half at the pool)
Riding her bike back to the cabin! I'm telling you she became a pro. We were so proud of her. She even had her first bike wreck. The road by the cabin went in a circle so they would ride around the circle. At one point she had to go down hill and around a curve. Every time I went with her I kind of had to guide her. She went with her Pop Pop and Ross and left them behind. She got to going down hill and was looking at her feet peddling instead of the road and when she looked up she saw that she was about to go off the road so she jerked her handles and went off the bike. She didn't cry though. I'm sure there will be many more falls in the future!
Once we got back to the cabin we all set up our chairs out back and sat around visiting while Gary grilled hotdogs and hamburgers.
Love these pictures of him just sittin in his chair!
After dinner we made S'mores! This was Madison's first time to make them. She wasn't too sure at first so her Daddy helped her.
I guess she decided the sticks we found weren't good enough so she went and found her own! :) Trent put a marshmallow on it and we all started laughing. She got embarrassed and wouldn't do it. I don't think her stick was quite big you??
Then she got the hang of it and did it on her own!
Everyone hanging out
Dirty hands! They made a mess in the dirt!
We had such a great time this weekend. It was two LONG but FUN days!
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