It has been raining here forever, at least that's what it has felt like. The other day we were so tired of being inside so we went to sit on the back porch. We weren't out there 2 minutes and both kids were in the rain. Cooper had a blast. He sat on the edge of the porch and just splashed in what little water was on our back porch! He would have stayed out there all day if we would have let him.
Trent talked Madison into running to the back fence. You could see the rain coming off the front of the porch but not the sides. She told him, "I'm gonna go this way" and she ran out the side of the porch. I think she thought she wouldn't get wet that way. :) She still ran there and back.
love that face!
Later that afternoon Trent went out to hang his ladder in the garage. I took that opportunity to get some stuff cleared out. We ended up being out there for awhile. I had put Cooper in the stroller with toys for a long time. He had gotten tired of that so Trent was holding him while I was organizing. Apparently he set him down because a few seconds later we hear squealing. He had crawled out into the driveway to be in the rain again!
He had the best time hitting this cooler!
This is how he kept crawling out there. Apparently the driveway is a little rough on the knees!
What a fun way to spend a rainy day!
It looks like it is time for some picture updates at Walmart. So many good times. I love you all.
What a great time you had on a otherwise rainy gloomy day!
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