Sunday, February 6, 2011

The snow days come to an end...

with a BIG mess!

Madison and Cooper had gone into her room to play on Saturday afternoon. The door was shut but they shut it a lot so I didn't think much of it. After awhile I decided I should just go check on them. This was the mess I found. She was tearing her boa apart and throwing the feathers in the air. Cooper was loving it. He was picking them up and throwing them too! Who knew a boa could be so fun?!? Apparently when you tear it apart it's tons of fun. Since it was already a mess I just let them continue. They played for several more minutes before deciding they were finished with that!

She had been playing dress up and was in between outfits, that's why she's naked. He is still in his pajamas. Don't judge us. We pretty much never got out of our pajamas this week! :)

Later that day they went down for their naps. Cooper woke up before Madison did so we enjoyed a snack together at their table!

We sure did enjoy our days at home. It's back to reality tomorrow! :(


Anonymous said...
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Grammy Laurie said...

So they had so much fun it seems. I wondered what they did that whole week :)