This picture was given to us by one of the Liberty moms. Very early on in the day Madison had asked for her banana. She ate the banana. I put the peel on the ground under my feet. Not long after Madison decided to lay down under my feet. She apparently pushed the banana peel through the crack in the bleachers. She told me she did it. I told her it was ok (from where I could see, it would land on a building). About 5 minutes later a CRAZY man comes looking around under all of our feet. He sees Madison and points to her and yells, "that girl! Who are her parents?" I said "I am" He proceeds to yell at me about how she is throwing her banana peels on the people below and laughing about it. I apologize and tell him I won't let it happen again. He proceeds to yell more and even go to say "You need to do something about it. You need to talk to her". At this point I'm about to lose it. #1 YOU DO NOT TELL ME HOW TO PARENT MY CHILD. #2 She's 3 #3 She didn't realize it would hit people #4 She is 3!!! I tell him "I will take care of this. You DO NOT tell me how to parent and you can leave now". He tries to keep on at which point Trent stands up and puts his clipboard in the guys face and tells him to chill out, she's 3 years old and he's said enough. He finally left. I don't know what his deal was but he was having a bad day!!! Who takes the time to come look for a kid who dropped a banana peel?? Who proceeds to yell when they find out it was a sweet 3 year old little girl and not some bratty teenager who knows better??
Man, I still get heated just re-telling the story! Anyways, none of the parents could believe that he would get so upset and go on for so long. On Monday, a parent brought Trent this picture! Pretty funny!
Oh my gosh! That is a crazy story! Nothing gets the beast going like someone talking about her kids!! :)
wow that is nuts! I never get to talk to you during the week and I miss so much :(
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