Friday, October 31, 2008

My little Ladybug!

Madison is starting a tradition of going to the doctor on Halloween. Last year we had her four month check up on Halloween. This year, I took her in because she's been sick for the past week. Hopefully next year we will be doctor free on Halloween! I took the day off today because Trent is in Midland for a football game. After we went to the doctor and picked up her medicine we came home and enjoyed our extra day together at home. Here are a few pictures of her eating her afternoon snack. 

Madison and I went to Sanger around 4:30 to meet up with Zack, Melanie and Ethan (the warehouse mouse)! We went to the square in Sanger and let the kids trick-or-treat in all the shops. We ended up at the playground. I had a hard time keeping Madison off the equipment. It was full of big kids and she didn't care. She kept crawling right up to the top and slid down the slide once. She had a great time. She thinks she's just as big as they are. 
Ethan and Madison at Zack and Melanie's before going to the square

All of these are on the square in Sanger! 

Then at 6:30 we went up to church for Carnival 31. It was really neat. They had it in the church parking lot. They had several different tents set up with games for the kids, they had bounce houses for big kids and even one for little kids, food and trick-or-treating. Madison could only play a few games and even those she wasn't very interested in. She loved watching the kids bounce in the bounce houses.  She wasn't too sure what to think of it when I put her in it. We had a good time with Ethan. We missed Daddy though. We wished he could have been with us on Halloween. 

Ethan was fishing for candy 

Madison and Ethan in the bounce house

She decided she liked this thing better from the outside! 

Watching some kids play miniature golf - she wanted their golf balls. I ended up having to drag her away! 

Inside the 'pre-school' tent. She was amazed by the balloons that went all the way to the ceiling. Notice how she holds her cute! She did not like having anything in her pumpkin. Anytime she would get candy she would take it out and hand it to me or carry it herself! :) She's wearing the bracelet she won in one of the games she played.  

We saw several other ladybugs. We took a picture with this little girl. Neither of the girls would look at the camera! After this picture we headed home. Madison was exhausted. She was asleep before we were half way down the street.  

This was Madison on Halloween last year. She is 4 months old in these pictures. Yes, she was a hot dog! She was the cutest hot dog you'll ever see!  


The Mitchell Family said...

she is adorable! i can't wait to see you guys!

michelle said...

Oh my gosh those are all so cute! Cutest ladyburg AND hotdog I ever did see. I can't wait to see y'all next week!!

RanAshKenCoop said...

I love her Halloween costume this year, although I don't think there is much cuter than that hot dog from last year. We loved that! Looks like you guys had a blast. Miss you!