Sunday, April 5, 2009

doesn't she look so long in this picture??

She is feeding Jack and Rosco the rest of her spaghetti - she's pretty proud about it too!

she's obviously not happy about something

Her lid blew off her sandbox at some point last week, during all the wind storms, so her sand is now mud! Saturday morning she spent a long time throwing all of the mud on the porch! Now we have dried mud all over the turtle and the porch. Oh well, she had fun and it entertained her for a long time...

Reid had his 3rd birthday party at Chuck-E-Cheese this past weekend. Trent has been wanting to take Madison since I was pregnant with her. She had a great time. She used all of her tokens on a water game and riding 'honey'. She loves spending time with all of her cousins! I forgot to get my camera out until the party was almost over. I didn't ever get a good picture of her with the birthday boy.


Anonymous said...

I am still reading BLOGS! even though I can't sit. :) Hope you guys have a happy Easter. I bet the Dogs love Madison feeding them her leftovers. They don't usually get leftovers.


Anonymous said...

She's a pretty clever little girl that is growing up too fast.