Sunday, November 29, 2009

Let the decorating begin...

We actually decorated (the inside) before we left for Thanksgiving. Madison was so excited to put the tree up.

While Trent was putting all the parts together she wanted to play in the box. Then she wanted me to get in and play with her! :) Who knew a box could be so fun??? (Oh wait...I did -all the box jumping we did in college sure did entertain us)

She loved helping. She would put about 4 ornaments per branch. She didn't quite understand that she needed to spread them out. :)

She did everything I did - it was really cute

Cooper hung out in his chair while we decorated!

Madison helped her Daddy make homemade cinnamon rolls! This is a new tradition we are going to start. That way we can enjoy yummy cinnamon rolls and egg nog when we're finished decorating! Real healthy- I know.

we're still missing the bow and Cooper's stocking!

family picture now that the decorating is complete

The cinnamon rolls were so yummy! Trent did a great job! Next up is the outside...I'll post those when Trent gets them up. It will be a few days. He leaves tomorrow for his state game! They play Saturday in Kileen. Wish us luck!


The Mitchell Family said...

1. Your tree is beautiful
2. You look amazing
3. I wish you had gazelled it again & taken a picture of some modern day box jumping.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty and Trent, I want some of those yummy cinamon rolls when I come to your house in a few weeks please!!!