Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Cooper is 4 MONTHS OLD!

I can't believe it. He's old enough to eat! It seemed like it took forever for Madison to reach this point. With Cooper it was here before I even realized it. My baby boy is growing up WAY TOO FAST!

He doesn't go to the doctor until the 13th because our dr. is on vacation. I'll have all of his stats at a later date. I do know he's LONG. The boy is almost growing out of 9month pajamas! CRAZY!

This past month

-He rolled over. He goes from back to tummy.

-Wearing 3-6 month clothes in separate outfits and 6-9 months and 9 months in pajamas! Like I said up top, he's so long.

-He has started teething. It's messed his sleeping up and he's constantly drooling and chewing on his hand. His poor little hand is so red and chapped.

-His messed up sleep schedule is as follows-goes to bed around 9. Wakes up at 4 and has a hard time going back to sleep and back up again around 7:30 (the past two nights he's been closer to his normal schedule: going to bed around 8 and sleeping til 6ish...ready to get back to 7ish)

-Eats every 2 hours. 6oz bottles. We just started cereal a few days ago. He has that 3 times a day as well. He's still not really sure about it. It's hit or miss with him actually eating it.

of course Madison has to help feed him too!

-He smiles all the time. If you look at him, he smiles. I LOVE IT!

-He likes to watch TV, especially Barney. Only for a few minutes though. He's actually been almost asleep and Barney gets turned on and he's wide awake and watching it. (The joys of having older siblings. Madison didn't watch TV til she was almost one, even then she wasn't interested)

-He's very observant. He watches everyone and everything.

-He pulls himself up by his pant legs. I lay him on my legs alot to talk to him and he'll grab his pants and start to pull himself up to a sitting position. He can't get all the way up but he gets half way there.

-Still loves to face out when you hold him. Still loves for me to walk around

-He laughs and it's SO CUTE

-knows his name...or at least looks at you when you say it

-Had to leave him for the first time since he was born. He stayed with all 3 of his Grandmom's while I went back to work before Christmas

-Went to daycare for the first time! He's done very well. As of today, he's only been twice. He seems to be adjusting well. He comes home very tired. I miss seeing him while I'm at work and hate that he's so tired when I do get to see him.

FIRST DAY of daycare

We are all adjusting to having a working Mommy again. It's definitely different and a lot harder now that I'm working all day. The things that used to get done during the day can't get finished until the kids are in bed. I'm learning to try to balance my time between 2 kids when I only get to see them for about 4 hours. But we'll make it. We're counting down the days til Spring Break now...


Anonymous said...

AWE, Cooper is so cute and laid back. I just love him! I can't believe he is already 4 months old. I agree, time is passing by too fast. Grammy

Anonymous said...

He really looks exhausted in the last pic. Poor baby!!
NaNa and Pa