Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What a week...

This past week has been ROUGH!!! Last Wednesday night Cooper threw up his bottle. We didn't think anything of it. We just thought he ate too much. I should have known something was up because he never spits up and this was much more than that. Thursday morning his daycare teacher calls me to tell me that he had thrown up twice in the few hours that he had been there and had no appetite. So, Trent went and picked him up. He did ok the rest of the day--he didn't throw up but he didn't really eat either. Thursday night he was up off and on ALL night. Friday Trent stayed home with both kids. Cooper developed a fever and had a really bad cough. Saturday and Sunday were pretty much the same as Friday. He still didn't have much of an appetite, he was running a fever off and on and his cough was horrible. Still not sleeping. Monday he went to daycare. They said he did ok. He was drinking his bottles more normally and didn't have a fever. Monday night his temperature got to 101 and he was just uncomfortable. I took off Tuesday. Did I mention I'm out of days so I don't get paid when I'm off :/ Trent took Madison to daycare so I could take Cooper to the doctor. I planned to go get her after her nap. While we were in the waiting room at the doctors office I get a call from daycare. They informed me that Madison had pink eye IN BOTH EYES!! Really?? Could the week get any better? Luckily I was at the doctor still so they gave me medicine for her while I was there. Cooper had an ear infection and a cold. He got an antibiotic. That morning Madison had asked Trent for a wipe to get the fuzz out of her eye. I guess it was starting to itch her but he said it wasn't pink when he took her to daycare. It came on really fast. She has to have drops 3 times a day for 7 days. Cooper has medicine 2 times a day for 10 days. If you've never put eye drops in a 2 year olds eyes be thankful. It's a chore. I have to say she is getting better. Tonight wasn't much of a struggle at all. She'll be a pro by day 7.
Now that both kids are on medicine I'm hoping that we are on the uphill. Cooper did sleep MUCH better last night. He still woke up but only once and wasn't up long at all. Cross your fingers and say a prayer for the same tonight. Eventually we'll get back to sleeping through the night...I hope.
I'll leave you with a picture of my sweet babies!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How sweet does it get!!!
Nana and Pa