Sunday, March 20, 2011

18 month check up

Cooper went to the doctor for his 18 month check up before our trip to Oklahoma! He's right on track and doing everything and more that he should be! He's a tall, skinny boy!
He was: 35 1/4" (98% in height)
25 lbs 3 oz (39% in weight)

His head was 48cm (55%)

It doesn't surprise me that he's in the 98% for his height. I think he's always been above 96%. He's taller than Kailyn who is 6 months older than him and he's taller than our neighbor that is 4 months older.

This sweet boy is talking a lot more. We still can't understand most of it. He mostly repeats words that we say to him. He can say: Momma, Daddy, Ra-co, ouch, ouchie, apple, cookie, bye-bye, Papa, Nana, cheese (chiz), Tooper (Cooper), Uh-oh, ball, moo, hi, thank you AND he sings Baby O (Justin Beiber) because he hears it over and over.
He knows his boy parts (nose, ears, hair, eyes, mouth and belly). He's learning to ride a tricycle. He LOVES fruit. He started getting time outs at 16 months. He's only had to go 2 or 3 times and it's always for hitting his sister. He's a super sweet boy and he's growing up way too fast!!!