Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Egg Party!

We (the kids and I) decorated eggs on Saturday night. Trent was at the Rangers game. It was quiet an experience with Cooper. He threw his eggs into his cups, cracking all of his eggs. He kept putting his finger in the dye, he tasted one of them. He's a mess but made me laugh more than once. They were supposed to sit in the dye for 5 minutes. They might have made it 3. That was a lifetime for these two.

waiting on them....

They are out!!

We put Cooper to bed and then Madison painted on her eggs! This was interesting. It's hard for me to just let her paint. I wanted to make them 'cute'. She painted a face on one and then she decided to start painting them completely. The blue egg became green. The pink egg also became green except for a few finger prints. She had fun and that's all that matters. We only did a half dozen. I figured that was enough for her. She was happy with it and excited to show her Daddy. She had me send him a picture while he was at the baseball game. :)

The final product!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That brings back memories!!!Haha. Always lots of broken eggs.