Sunday, April 3, 2011

Rangers vs. Boston

Dad and Laurie bought the family tickets to go to the Rangers vs. Boston games this past weekend! Madison was SO excited to go back to the ballpark. She loved going to the games last year and was just excited to go this year. Dad, Laurie, Randy and Michael went Saturday night and then again with us on Sunday afternoon. It was such a pretty day. The wind was blowing so it was never miserable. Madison ate lots of junk and we had a great time watching The Rangers WIN! Although- Dad, Laurie and Randy weren't very happy. They are huge Red Sox fans!

My sweet babies taking it all in

I LOVE this picture of them!

Madison got a sno-cone not long after we got there...

My brothers!

before her sno-cone face was clean she was eating an ice cream!

Cooper is moving in...

LOVE it!

Thanks Grammy and Papa for taking all of us to the game! We had such a great time.

My baby brother

1 comment:

Grammy Laurie said...

Love the photos, please send them all to Walmart on 351(Your Moms). I need a 5x7 of you, Mike and Randy. Had fun with yall too, we'll have to make it a yearly event. :) Even if Boston looses.