Monday, May 16, 2011

Horse Races

Trent went to Houston for his Regional Track meet the last weekend in April. He takes the kids to school. Madison's school doesn't open til 7:30 and I have to be at school by 7:35. Seeing as how that was impossible, Mom and Ron came in to keep the kids.
They came in late Thursday night and kept the kids all day Friday. They had a full day of fun...going to the park, getting new sand for the sandbox, eating lunch, and going on walks to feed the ducks. That night, after I got off, we went to Michael's and then headed to the horse races. None of us had ever been before. It was fun. There was more down time than I thought there would be. There was like 20 minutes between each race. The kids had fun running around, playing in the dirt, people watching and yelling for the 'horsies'.

he's waving at the horses that were walking by :)

my music man loved the live band!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was fun. We will go back again with some more family members.