Sunday, August 21, 2011

Pool Time

We spent SEVERAL mornings swimming this summer. We didn't make it as often as we usually do but we did get to go! I never remembered my camera so on one of our last trips I went a little over board on pictures. I wanted to capture some of the things they did this summer.

He LOVES this blue bucket! It used to be one of Madison's favorites too!

She loves her goggles. She goes back and forth between wearing her puddle jumper and taking it off to swim without it. I don't have any pictures of her without it. She's gotten so good at swimming, especially under water. She struggles to swim above. Without her puddle jumper: she jumps off the side and swims to the steps, likes for you to throw her into the air and she will swim back to you and she swims from one set of steps to the other. We are super proud of her. We just need to work on her coming up to take a breath. She's not so great at that yet. :)

This little guy loves these cups. He transfers water between the two, to his bucket, to the bushes, to the pool and anywhere else he can find to dump water! He also takes his puddle jumper off and has NO FEAR. He jumps right in and comes up smiling. He gets mad at me because I won't let go of him. When I do, he goes under and I have to pull him back up and he just smiles. We definitely need to get this little boy some swim lessons next summer.

This is one of my FAVORITES!!! Loves these two!

As you can see our pool was empty. That's how it's been all summer no matter what time we go. It's been so nice. It's almost like we have our own private pool and I don't have to clean it. :) It will be interesting next year trying to get all three kiddos there. Hopefully it will happen because I have two kids that LOVE to swim.

1 comment:

Grammy Laurie said...

Good pictures, another summer is gone. I can't believe how fast they are flying by the older we all get.