Friday, July 6, 2012

Zoo Trip, Take 2

A week after our wreck we loaded up and headed back to the zoo. Traveling the same road, the same time of day and a week later was rough. I was a nervous wreck the entire way. The traffic was the same as it had been the Friday before. I had to play on my phone to distract myself from the cars around us. Thankfully this time we made it safely. The kids were pumped!

 The before picture again!

 Waiting to get in--taking restroom breaks and getting all set to make the rounds! We were prepared and brought two strollers. It was perfect because they got tired of walking after awhile!

 This sweet girl did AMAZING!! She sat in the stroller for the first hour and a half and played! We didn't hear a peep from her.

 After about an hour and a half we took a break to feed Karsyn. Madison and Cooper had a few snacks too!

 This squirrel really wanted some of their crackers. He kept getting closer and closer. He finally ended up right under their feet at their table. They thought it was really funny. 

 After she had her bottle I put her in the front pack and she spent the next hour with me. She ended up falling asleep towards the end of our trip!

It got pretty hot towards the end of our trip. We got to the zoo at 10:00 and we left around 12:30! The kids loved it. Karsyn was the best one! The other two got hot and were tired of walking for a little while but came back to life towards the end! This was Cooper and Karysn's first time to go to the zoo. I have a feeling we will be going back again...hopefully once it gets a little cooler outside. :)
After we left, we stopped to eat lunch. After lunch we headed to Plano to look for new cars. We had a long but fun family day!

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