Saturday, January 5, 2013

ECE Christmas Parties

 I took a half day off of work to go to the kids Christmas parties. It was fun being able to be home with them in the morning, and a little stressful! :) They were so excited about their parties and excited that I was taking them to school. 

Since we had two parties going on at the same time Trent and I went back and forth. He started off in Cooper's room and I started in Madison's. We switched every 20 minutes or so for the hour+ time of the parties. 
 Decorating a cookie! Pretty sure he has enough sprinkles!

 They listened to a story while the table was cleaned off and prepared for their food!

 They ate a snack and had a birthday cake for Jesus! 

 Madison had a fun party too! This is her with her friend Analee
They did a craft instead of decorating a cookie

Then they had a snack and a birthday cake for Jesus!

After their snack they did their gift exchange

They ended their party with a game!

We had a good morning. It was a fun time celebrating the birth of our savior with our kids and their friends. We are so thankful for the friends our kids have made and the teachers that love on them daily.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those are some great pics. I know they were so happy to have both of you involved that day.