Sunday, December 1, 2013

Cooper is 4

We started Cooper's countdown kind of late. Of course, Karsyn had to be in the pictures with him. I wrote the number and he decorated them. Madison helped too.

We made cupcakes for his birthday treat. He requested that I send one without any icing for him. :) 

The morning of his birthday he got to open his presents before school and I got him donuts. They are one of the few things he likes to eat. He requested blueberry. 

I was able to go to his birthday celebration at school, thanks to my awesome team. He enjoyed his icing-less cupcake. 

His birthday fell during the week so we weren't having his 'party' until that Friday. We let him pick his dinner and he chose peanut butter and jelly. We talked him into Taco Casa.

He got money from his Grammy & Papa so he could do his own shopping. He could hardly wait to spend it. 

This year we decided to let him pick one friend and take him to do whatever he wanted. We thought about a Rangers game but he chose bowling and pizza. Easy enough. He asked his best friend, Drew. He lives across the street from us. Drew came over when he got home from school. We headed to Main Event to bowl and play games. After that, we went to Cici's Pizza to eat. Drew spent the night with us. It was Cooper's first sleepover. They did great! 

I can't believe our big boy is 4!! It seems like yesterday he was like this:

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