Saturday, December 7, 2013


 This girl is a HANDFUL. A cute, spunky, hard headed, limit pusher, sweet, funny handful. We have so much fun with her and then seconds later can be so frustrated with her. She is her own person and you are not going to tell her what to do. At least, she thinks you shouldn't tell her what to do. I love her...stinkerness and all.

I was doing something in the kitchen one evening and hear splattering on the floor. I look over to find her trying to squirt her juice in Madison's soccer jug. She had pulled it out of the pantry herself, taken the lid off and was attempting to get her juice in. I guess the hole wasn't big enough??
 She's so proud of herself...I'm so frustrated with her...but did have to take a picture. Mainly because I'm amazed at how many messes she can make in one day.
 After I helped her get her juice in the jug and the lid on TIGHT she went happily to the living room to drink it. Too bad the jug is as big as she is.

If she manages to get in the car before you can get her into her car seat good luck getting her. She usually runs straight to the back and sits in the chair and WILL NOT come back up.  You have to crawl back there and drag her limp body back up to her seat. This particular day Madison blocked her from getting in the back so she ran to the other side of the van and squeezed herself between the door and her car seat. Look how proud she is. In the moment it is so frustrating but it does make me laugh. I know one day I will look back fondly of the messes and crazy antics.

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