Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving, decorating, and haircuts!

We spent Thanksgiving with Trent's family this year. Trent had football practice Thanksgiving morning but then we headed to Frisco to celebrate with his family. The kids enjoyed playing outside and we got to eat lots of yummy food! It was a great day with family.

Abby, Ethan and Madison (Madison just woke up from a nap so she's still sleepy looking)

Decorating the tree and putting up Christmas lights!
The day after Thanksgiving we decorated our house for Christmas. Madison played with the ornaments while we put everything out. She did try to help put a few on the tree. She couldn't quite figure out how I was getting them to stay. She loved playing on Trent's ladder out front. I had to keep a close eye on her. She can climb fast.

In the next three pictures she's trying to put her hands in her pockets. It was really cold out so I was showing her that she could keep her hands warm if she put them in her pockets. She thought it was really neat. Of course she kept taking them out and she couldn't quite get them in on her own. The first two pictures she's trying really hard. She got her left hand almost all the way in but her right hand is going into her jacket. Daddy came and helped and in the third picture she's ready to go again!

Rosco gets a jacket!
Poor Rosco, he freezes in the winter. We finally found a sweatshirt for him today. He is not a fan. He's so freaked out by it. He thinks he can't walk if it's on. He literally will stay in the exact position you leave him in. He did loosen up a little as the afternoon went on but he never got completely comfortable with it. We ended up taking it off for now. We'll put it back on him tonight. Hopefully he realizes it will keep him warm and he can walk in it!

Madison gets a hair cut (kinda)
Trent has been trying to cut Madison's hair for weeks. Her hair was a mullet. But what do you do? I hated to cut it because the front will eventually catch up right?? Well I finally let him trim it today. It makes me sad when I look at her. I miss the mullet. I can't wait for her hair to be long in the front and back. Here are a few pictures. I saved some of her hair to put into her baby book.




Gingerbread House
This afternoon we decorated our first Gingerbread House. It's not as easy as it looks. It was fun and something we'll do each year.

Madison enjoying a few fruit snacks while Dad gets the house put together

watching Daddy work

She decided she needed to try some of the house before we finished putting it together.

After you put the house together you have to wait 15 minutes before you can decorate it. So we played in the living room while we waited.

Back to the table. Madison started off in her high chair but made her way onto the table when we wouldn't get her the candy she wanted. She was eating the candy SO FAST. She had the best time and she wasn't even helping with the gingerbread house. We ended up running out of candy for the house because Madison ate so much!

Here is our house!

notice how bare the back is...that's because the candy for this side is in a certain little girls tummy! 

Showing off her first gingerbread house!

I also baked some kiss cookies today! Can you tell we're in the holiday spirits around our house? While we were doing all of this we had a roast, potatoes and carrots going in the crock pot! 

And finally...

Here are a few pictures of our house! We have red, green and white lights on the house and white lights around the yard. We added the lights to the yard and the new pretty green wreath over the garage this year! Next year Trent wants to do something to the trees or put something in the yard. Before long we will be like the Griswolds! 


RanAshKenCoop said...

What a fun post! You guys really were feeling festive! I love the Gingerbread House tradition. And I can't believe how big Madison looks!
I think she's ready for a little brother or little sister...:)

Anonymous said...

WOW you did have a full weekend. You got so much accomplished. I was wondering how Madison would like the Christmas Tree this year.

Gingerbread house looks yummy.
Grammy L

Anonymous said...

I love all the decorations. Your home looks so pretty and festive. Can't wait to see you all.
Love NaNa