Monday, February 9, 2009

What a big girl...

Trent took Madison in for her 18 month check up (although she's almost 20 months) this past week. She is 35 1/4" (100%) She weighs 26.6 lbs (65%) and her head continues to be large at 49 cm (93%). Dr. Torrie said she is the average height for a 30 month old!! Who knew?? She doesn't seem that tall to me.
She is continuing to grow up so fast. She's talking more and more. She's just recently started putting 3-4 words together to form broken sentences. It's so cute but at the same time so sad. It seems like only yesterday we were bringing her home from the hospital. Everyone said it would fly by but I never realized just how fast it would go!
She still loves Elmo. We watch Sesame Street EVERYDAY! She loves her books. She's constantly bringing them to us to read. She's also started 'reading' them herself. She'll get a book and go sit by herself and look through it. It's the cutest thing ever! She wants to be outside every minute of every day. She would live out there if we let her. She bosses the dogs around all the time. She's constantly telling them "no, get down, move" etc. Shes loves them so much and they love her too! She's into getting her picture taken. She'll bring me the camera and say 'cheese'. She wants me to take a picture and then show her. She also likes to clean. You can give her a washcloth or wipe and she'll wipe everything down...and do it for at least 30 minutes. Trent says he needs to teach her that it's ok to be messy! I think he's afraid he'll have two clean freaks on his hands. There is so much I could write about her. I could go on and on with things she likes and things she does. She's such a sweet girl. We pray that baby #2 is as sweet as she is! She's been such a blessing to us! We are loving every minute we get to spend with her.

I'll end with a cute picture from a few weeks ago! I've been really sick again so we haven't done much lately, as far as getting out of the house. We've been finding other ways to entertain ourselves! She thought this was so funny. Now she wants me to do this to her hair all the time.


Milk Carton Mom said...

I can't believe she is getting so big!! We need to get together soon so the kids can play! Hope you are feeling better!

Anonymous said...

Cute hairdoo! Maybe Madison can come clean our house soon.